The Power in the way we Think


Alison is a counsellor working in the community services field. She has ten years of practical counselling experience and has worked with a wide variety of individuals, including some of the most vulnerable people in the community. Alison has a background in education working as a classroom teacher, before deciding to further her education and achieve another degree in psychology. Her passion for this area sees her commence her Masters of Applied Psychology in 2013 in order to support her quest to empower others to confidently and passionately live their best lives and to create and shape their own destiny.

She is hopeful that her readers gain insights from reading the information in this blog and are able to use those to create the lives they love.

Comments on: "About" (3)

  1. balancedwesomeness said:

    How fabulous! Shared on my blog because this is such an IAOK Inspirational Act Of Kindness to informations share and support. Looking forward to a wonderful blog.


  2. Thank you for this blog. I am learning so much. I look forward to following it. Thanks for all the effort you put into these blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for finding and reading it Janet! I’m so glad you’ve gotten so much out of it after a small amount of time! I’m looking forward to learning more about your experiences with stress and trauma as you share more of your experiences with all of us.

      Ali šŸ™‚


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