The Power in the way we Think

Speak your Truth

Do you ever feel like you need to stay quiet to keep the peace? Do you feel like you can’t let people know how you feel? Do you ever wonder what actually happens within yourself when you hold your tongue and refrain from speaking the things that are important to you?

I want to share this vlog with you all that explains what happens every single time you choose to not speak. Every single time you choose to stay quiet.

Check it out. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how this relates to you and your life! Comment below!

Comments on: "Speak your Truth" (2)

  1. I found your video through the SPI group. Thank you for this. It is so powerful. I am one of those people who holds things back because I don’t want to “deal with the fight”. Your video showed me that I need to stand up for myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your comments Kristin! It’s great to have you with us! I’m super pleased that the video resonated with you!

      I realised after reading your words that my post makes it sound like this video is of me. Ooops, I should have clarified that in the post itself! The video is of an incredible lady named Emma. She is a Personal Trainer and mindfitness coach here in Australia. She has a very unique way with words and is extremely talented at helping people to release and unlock all the things that hold them back, and supporting people to remember who they really are. I have worked with her quite a bit and have completely transformed my life.

      If you’re interested in connecting with her, she can be found at , and on her social media channels, which are posted on her sites. Her website page is Emazon Page and I’m unsure of the others.


Tell us what you think,